3N. Emetics

Medicines used to induce Vomiting. Emesis is used for various purposes: to cleanse the Stomach and Lungs; to expel Poisons; to purge Phlegm Humor. Note that there is a strong relationship between Expectorants and Emetics. Both clear Phlegm and often large doses of Expectorants can induce Vomiting, while small doses of emetics can help expel Phlegm.

Warm Salt water
Mustard seed
Olive Oil
Elder root-bark
Tartar Emetic
Radish seed
Sweet Almond oil
Walnut root-bark
White Hellebore
Blue Vitriol (Copper Sulphate)

Emetic for Phlegm
    Indian Salt               3 grams ea.
    Radish seed            6 grams

Emetic for Phlegm
    Salt                           3 grams ea.

Emetic for Black Bile
    Barley Water          500 mls
    Watermelon root     30 grams
    Salt                               3 grams
Take with Oxymel

Emetic for Black Bile:
    Indian Salt
    Borax                            3 grams ea.

Western Classification

2. Secondary Faculties
a. Aperients
b. Attenuaters
c. Inciding Medicines
d. Attenuaters of Congealed Blood
e. Lenitive
f. Purifying
g. Cleansing
h. Carminatives
i. Antispasmodics
j. Rarefying
k. Resolvent
l. Emollients
m. Drawing
n. Repellents
o. Astringent
p. Hemostatic
q. Anodyne
r. Narcotics & Hypnotics
s. Strengthening
t. Glutinate
u. Suppuratives
v. Expel Pus
w. Sarcotics
x. Incarnative
y. Corrosive
z. Cicatrizing
3. Tertiary Faculties
a. Sudorifics and Diaphoretics
b. Febrifuge and Antipyretic
c. Alexipharmic
d. Cordials and Cardiacs
e. Diuretics
f. Lithontriptic
g. Emmenagogue
h. Lactagogue
i. Aphrodisiacs
j. Increase Semen
k. Expectorant
l. Anti-tussive
m. Arthritic Medicines
n. Vulnerary
o. Emetics
p. Masticatories & Sternutatories
q. Anthelmintic
4. According to Part
a. Cephalic
b. Opthalmic
c. Cardiac
d. Pectoral
e. Stomachic
f. Splenetic
g. Hepatic
h. Nephritics
i. Uterine
j. Nervine
k. Arthritic