3B. Febrifuge & Antipyretics These are medicines used to reduce Heat in Fever. 4 Greater Cold Seeds Pomegranate juice Prune Wormwood Emblic Myrobalan White Sandalwood Rose Borage Dodder herb Yarrow Plantain Purslane seed Gentian Barberry bark Licorice Frankincense Armenian Earth Camphor Pearl Alum Rhino (Water Buffalo) horn 4 Lesser Cold SeedsLemon juiceTamarindAgrimonyYellow MyrobalanRed SandalwoodWater LilyChicoryBlack NightshadeWillowMintPoppy seedSwertiaFumitoryRhubarbCinchonaSealed EarthTabasheerRed CoralTalcBezoar Others:Caesalpinia bonducella fruit, Melia azadirachta, Delphinium denudatum, Aconitum heterophyllum Compounds Syrup of Lemon juice Syrup of Sorrel Confection of Hyacinth Powder of Crabs Claws Powder of 3 Sandalwoods Troches of Camphor Troches of Barberries Syrup of VioletSyrup of Water LilyElectuary of PrunesThe White PowderTroches of SandalwoodTroches of Spodium (Mesue)Troches of Rose (Nicholas) Western Classification 2. Secondary Facultiesa. Aperientsb. Attenuatersc. Inciding Medicinesd. Attenuaters of Congealed Bloode. Lenitivef. Purifyingg. Cleansingh. Carminativesi. Antispasmodicsj. Rarefyingk. Resolventl. Emollientsm. Drawingn. Repellentso. Astringentp. Hemostaticq. Anodyner. Narcotics & Hypnotics s. Strengtheningt. Glutinateu. Suppurativesv. Expel Pusw. Sarcoticsx. Incarnativey. Corrosivez. Cicatrizing3. Tertiary Facultiesa. Sudorifics and Diaphoreticsb. Febrifuge and Antipyreticc. Alexipharmicd. Cordials and Cardiacse. Diureticsf. Lithontripticg. Emmenagogueh. Lactagoguei. Aphrodisiacsj. Increase Semen k. Expectorantl. Anti-tussivem. Arthritic Medicinesn. Vulneraryo. Emeticsp. Masticatories & Sternutatoriesq. Anthelmintic4. According to Parta. Cephalicb. Opthalmicc. Cardiacd. Pectorale. Stomachicf. Spleneticg. Hepatich. Nephriticsi. Uterinej. Nervinek. Arthritic