2Y. Corrosive

Corroding; Caustic; Eating; Destroying; Exedentibus
These burn, corrode or destroy unhealthy flesh, and hardness such as Warts, and Tumors.

                       Mercury Sublimate
                       Zinc Chloride
                       Copper Sulphate
                       Hydrochloric acid

Burnt Copper
Lead Oxide
Ferrous Sulphate
Nitric acid
Sulphuric acid

Western Classification

2. Secondary Faculties
a. Aperients
b. Attenuaters
c. Inciding Medicines
d. Attenuaters of Congealed Blood
e. Lenitive
f. Purifying
g. Cleansing
h. Carminatives
i. Antispasmodics
j. Rarefying
k. Resolvent
l. Emollients
m. Drawing
n. Repellents
o. Astringent
p. Hemostatic
q. Anodyne
r. Narcotics & Hypnotics

s. Strengthening
t. Glutinate
u. Suppuratives
v. Expel Pus
w. Sarcotics
x. Incarnative
y. Corrosive
z. Cicatrizing
3. Tertiary Faculties
a. Sudorifics and Diaphoretics
b. Febrifuge and Antipyretic
c. Alexipharmic
d. Cordials and Cardiacs
e. Diuretics
f. Lithontriptic
g. Emmenagogue
h. Lactagogue
i. Aphrodisiacs
j. Increase Semen
k. Expectorant
l. Anti-tussive
m. Arthritic Medicines
n. Vulnerary
o. Emetics
p. Masticatories & Sternutatories
q. Anthelmintic
4. According to Part
a. Cephalic
b. Opthalmic
c. Cardiac
d. Pectoral
e. Stomachic
f. Splenetic
g. Hepatic
h. Nephritics
i. Uterine
j. Nervine
k. Arthritic