2V. Expel Pus

Pus Moventibus

These medicines must be used to cleanse a Wound or Ulcer before Healing them if there is Pus or unhealthy suppuration. Typically, a decoction, distilled water of an appropriate herb or wine was used to wash the Wound or Ulcer before apply these medicines.

                       Wheat meal

Celery juice
Barley meal
Animal fat

Western Classification

2. Secondary Faculties
a. Aperients
b. Attenuaters
c. Inciding Medicines
d. Attenuaters of Congealed Blood
e. Lenitive
f. Purifying
g. Cleansing
h. Carminatives
i. Antispasmodics
j. Rarefying
k. Resolvent
l. Emollients
m. Drawing
n. Repellents
o. Astringent
p. Hemostatic
q. Anodyne
r. Narcotics & Hypnotics
s. Strengthening
t. Glutinate
u. Suppuratives
v. Expel Pus
w. Sarcotics
x. Incarnative
y. Corrosive
z. Cicatrizing
3. Tertiary Faculties
a. Sudorifics and Diaphoretics
b. Febrifuge and Antipyretic
c. Alexipharmic
d. Cordials and Cardiacs
e. Diuretics
f. Lithontriptic
g. Emmenagogue
h. Lactagogue
i. Aphrodisiacs
j. Increase Semen
k. Expectorant
l. Anti-tussive
m. Arthritic Medicines
n. Vulnerary
o. Emetics
p. Masticatories & Sternutatories
q. Anthelmintic
4. According to Part
a. Cephalic
b. Opthalmic
c. Cardiac
d. Pectoral
e. Stomachic
f. Splenetic
g. Hepatic
h. Nephritics
i. Uterine
j. Nervine
k. Arthritic