2U. Suppuratives
Ripeners; MaturativesMateria Medica in Arabic & Persian, Shirazy, 1793
Suppuratives, hep to bring a boil, abscess or tumor to a head. They are then able to be lanced and drained, or cleansed with resolving medicines.
Some are Warming, others are Moist while others resolve Phlegm and thick humors. Some opens the capillaries or move the Blood. The choice depends on the individual case.
Mallow Bears Breech Roasted Onion Coltsfoot Violet Linseed Barley Figs Dill Costus Frankincense Round Birthwort Gum Ammoniac Pitch Bryony root Storax Warm Water Butter Wax Borax Orpiment Ferrous Sulphate |
Marshmallow Mistletoe Mustard Camomile Stoechas Fenugreek Wheat Dates Sesame Saxifrage Turpentine Long Birthwort Bdellium Resin Elaterium, Wild Cucumber Olive Oil Hydromel Animal Fat Propolis Lime Lead Pigeon feces |
Western Classification