The Purpose of our ’12 Formulas’ Pages are to illustrate various formulas used to treat a specific condition on one page. This can be useful to help Practitioners develop their own Formulas.
Powder for Loss of Memory & Stupidity
0.5 oz.
Powder and take this as a dose each morning with broth. (Philon)
Confection of Coriander and Almond
Coriander seed Almond
2 parts 1 part
With an equal weight of sugar, form a confection. Dose: half dram. (Wirtzung)
Expert Electuary for Memory
Chebulic Myrobalan Long Pepper
1 lb. 3 oz.
Powder, mix with Honey. Traditionally aromatized with Gallia Moschata and Musk. Dose: 3 drams. (Mesue)
Confection of Eyebright
Eyebright Fennel seed Clove Cinnamon Cubeb Long Pepper Mace
2 oz. 5 drams
1 dram ea.
Powder, and with 1 pound of clarified Honey, form a confection. This is a famous formula of Mesue to restore the Sight, but was also highly regarded for Memory. Dose: 1 dram for a cold body, half dram for a hot.
Prepare a Powder. This interesting Powder “Purges the Head” and is specifically used for failing memory due to excess humors obstructing the Head. (Wirtzung)
Electuary Against Forgetfulness
Black Pepper Long Pepper White Pepper Galangal Calamus Saffron Indian Spikenard Cardamon Balsam fruit Asarum Ginger Myrtle
equal parts
Powder and form an Electuary with three times their weight of Honey.